Author name: Jon Skudder

AAUG begins new year with changes; New Apple hardware and operating systems coming soon

By President Jon Scudder There are plenty of changes coming this fall with AAUG from membership to our meetings.  I’ll briefly cover the major changes and what we expect to see from Apple.  MEETINGS We will be holding three in person meetings a year, September to May, with the remainder on Zoom.   In-person meetings …

AAUG begins new year with changes; New Apple hardware and operating systems coming soon Read More »

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are upon us and I wish all our members a merry holiday season. I enjoy this season as it offers more time to spend with friends and family. I just returned home this week after a 10-day visit to family…

WWDC brings all new software;

WWDC brings all new software;

Special Invitation: The Saginaw and Midland Apple User Groups have an upcoming presentation by the developers of 1Password at their May 10th meeting at 7:00PM (EDT). They have graciously said we could share this with our members.

1Password Meeting Invitation

1Password Meeting Invitation

Special Invitation: The Saginaw and Midland Apple User Groups have an upcoming presentation by the developers of 1Password at their May 10th meeting at 7:00PM (EDT). They have graciously said we could share this with our members.

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