Special Invitation: The Saginaw and Midland Apple User Groups have an upcoming presentation by the developers of 1Password at their May 10th meeting at 7:00PM (EDT). They have graciously said we could share this with our members.
This is limited in the number of attendees and at this time, they have some reservation openings available. If you would be interested in attending the Zoom meeting, here’s what you will need to make a reservation:
- You must register to attend the meeting as we have a limited number of seats (100 total). Here’s the reservation link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcuCpqDspH9ynt83ZDKf0hdc-ujU9cis6
- The meeting link will be provided in your RSVP confirmation email.
- If you change your mind and do not need the Zoom seat, please cancel your reservation.