Is Apple’s Vision Pro the future technology?

By President Jon Scudder

The Apple Vision Pro officially launched at stores Feb. 2.  The technology seems amazing with Apple selling more than 200,000 from reports.  Is this the technology which will eventually replace existing Apple products and be the focus of our discussions at our meetings?  It certainly is impressive and look forward to learning more and using it to replace the products we have come to love.


We have some major financial decisions and I am mentioning this again.  Inflation has hit from the post office to our meeting rooms.  Surely you have seen inflation in other places and we are not immune.  The BP Center being the latest, increasing their room rental rate.  Understandable with the cost of labor, heat and electricity.

We have a sizable savings but has been dwindling and we need to take corrective action to put it in more of a balance.  Whether we increase dues or reduce the number of in-person meetings, we need to come up with a solution.  Increasing dues is not my preferred option as many of us are on limited retirement budgets.  Zoom meetings remain popular and may be recurring periodic solution.  They seem to be popular at major cities across the country.

The problem is on the table, and we have a few months to solve it.  Dale Hanson has put together an impressive presentation recently illustrating the dilemma which we will be presenting at our February board meeting and soon to our membership.

Please let us know your thoughts by sending us an email with your ideas. My email is [email protected].  The board membership will meet in February.


Membership fees were due in January.  You should be getting an invoice.  Obviously, at the current rate a multi-year membership may be a bargain if the board decides to raise the fees.  In any case, please see Dale Hanson about paying your dues or send them to our AAUG mailbox.

It is also time for our annual board member elections.  We made the announcement in January and will again in February.  If you are interested in helping AAUG move forward, we can user your help.  No prerequisites or special skills are necessary, just a willingness to help.  There are board members who can no longer serve in an officer capacity so recruits are needed.  I strongly urge you to help out in any way you can find possible.  We will ask the membership to confirm the board in March.


Come to our monthly meeting and bring a friend, family member or your Valentine.  We enjoy the company.  For those who would rather now venture out or are traveling, there’s the hybrid option using Zoom.

We will continue our free-form discussions at Computers and Caffeine at 10 am- noon on Sat., Feb 17 on Zoom.


I look forward to the new year ahead and meeting the challenges ahead.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve you all.


Jon K. Scudder
President, AAUG

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