February Member Update

The club have proposed a new board of directors and volunteer positions for 2023. We look to confirm the selections with our membership at our February Membership meeting. I would like to thank those who have served the past year. Almost all the positions have nominations, however, we do have an open position for helping to publicize AAUG. That could be from ordering SWAG to obtaining generic AAUG member business cards. The job can be tailored to your time available and interests. Please let me know if you can help. We really need this position to be filled so, if you haven’t stepped forward, please consider doing so.

As we come back to in-person meetings, we are steadily increasing in attendance. Over the next year, I would like to see the size of our club increase in size. Word of mouth is the best advertising, and it starts with the members. Advertising in most publications is too expensive for our budget and believe there are better uses for our funds.

It is time again for membership dues. If you have not paid Dale Hanson yet, please do so. The funds go towards a wide array of items to support our meetings and special events. The $25 for nine meetings a year is a nominal price, less than a cup of coffee a month. There are discounts for multiple years and families. We no longer are just a local Anchorage meeting. Most meetings can be attended from anyplace via Zoom. Please feel free to bring a snack if you would like for the group

We will be holding a C&C on February 25th at 10 a.m. We will be keeping it on Zoom as the attendance has been significant and the dialogue with tech topics has been interesting. The past 3 months have been filled with discussing member’s tech questions. It is first come, first serve for questions, and I’ll be starting the list ten minutes before the meeting.

I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the free recurring workshops which Dan Wassink offers. You can sign up online at the Dan’s Tutorials website. I continue to produce the “Mac Minutes Podcast” each week to educate listeners on Apple’s latest tech and accessories.

I would like to encourage everyone to take advantage of the free recurring workshops which Dan Wassink offers. He has added some new subjects. You can sign up online at this website. If you are interested in joining, there is a club discount although the live “Ask Me Anything” classes are free.

We got some new Apple hardware this past month to include MacBook Pro models and the second generation of the HomePod. I discuss these on my weekly podcast at MacMinutes  You can also find the podcast on your favorite podcatcher.

I look forward to the year ahead, the new Apple poroducts, and software which will be coming our way.

Thank you and see you in February at the BP Energy Center, 5:45 p.m.

Best regards,


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